The effect of shape and surrounding tidal field on the early spin of protohalos
Invited Talk: Pablo Lopez
In this work, we investigate how the size, shape, and surrounding tidal fields of dark matter protohalos at high redshift influence their angular momentum (AM) evolution. While tidal torque theory (TTT) links AM to the misalignment between protohalo shape and tidal fields, it remains unclear what are the characteristic scales of perturbations that couple with protohalos, and what is their correlation with protohalo properties such as shape and size. Moreover, although TTT is valid in the linear and quasi-linear regime, cosmological simulations show discrepancies between its predictions and true AM, with differences emerging much earlier than z~2. To address this, we analyze cosmological simulations, studying tidal fields at z=80 with varying smoothing lengths to identify which best predicts AM under TTT. We examine discrepancies across redshifts and assess how evolving tidal and inertia tensors, along with protohalo shape, affect AM evolution. Our results confirm that disagreements between theory and simulation arise before the non-linear regime and suggest a systematic effect of protohalo shape interacting with the cosmic web.