Towards a Standardized Methodology for Cosmic Void Analysis

Jorge Federico Bustillos Rava

Cosmic voids are regions of the Universe that contain very few galaxies in their interiors, forming large expanses of relatively empty space. The study of these structures allows an understanding of the formation and dynamics of the Cosmic Web, making inferences about global cosmology, testing theories of galaxy formation and evolution, and testing modified gravity models. There are various algorithms for identifying cosmic voids (Void Finders) in the literature. Usually these void finders are built to be used in a particular test, making a varied spectrum of definitions of voids and methods to detect them. To compare the results obtained from each code is a difficult task. Although there have been initiatives to carry out a comparison, there is still no tool that allows the comparison of the results of various methods in a direct way.
The aim of this work is to perform a comparison on similar public void finders in regards to their use in the calculation of VGCF and VSF statistics using a common interface provided by a novel framework: Void Finder Toolkit ( A study of
the parameters used in each finder that lead to these statistics is performed, and the VSF,
VGCF statistics are compared. Also an additional definition of voids and their common properties like center and radius, (important to VSF,VGCF statistics) based on the tracers in each void, will be studied with the obtained results to see if a more global comparison method is possible.

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