IMPORTANT: Undergraduate and Ph.D. students who are presenting their contributions at the Meeting and encountering serious financial challenges regarding the fee can contact to seek a full fee waiver. Postdoctoral researchers, also presenting a contribution, qualify for a 50% reduction. Please consider that we are currently facing significant financial challenges in organizing the Meeting. Therefore, we kindly request that you seek a waiver only if you genuinely require it. Otherwise, please consider assisting us by contributing to the payment of the full fee.


Early Registration Late Registration
Students USD 50 USD 75
Researchers USD 100 USD 150

Early Registration is until September 6th


RESIDENTS IN ARGENTINA:  make a transfer in Argentine Pesos  using the “Venta” exchange rate provided by  Banco Nación  for the date of the transfer.

Important: Upon completing the payment, send an email to and CC to attaching the receipt and including the following information:

  • Name of the participant.
  • Country and academic status.
  • Name or institution the invoice should be addressed to and any other legend to be included in it. The invoice can be in Argentinian Pesos or US Dollars, please specify your preference.
  • For residents in Argentina: Supply the CUIT/CUIL (and IVA condition if applicable) that we need to incorporate into the invoice.

Details for the transfer:

Bank: BBVA

Name of the business/charity: Asociación Argentina de Astronomía

Current account in pesos:  Nº 309-315595/4

Tax Id: CUIL/CUIT: 30709681199

Account number: CBU:: 0170309020000031559542, alias: aaastro (only relevant for argentines)

(If asked) Address: Observatorio Astronomico – Paseo del Bosque s/n

(If asked) City/province/country: La Plata/Buenos Aires/Argentina

(If asked) Postal code: 1900


FOREIGNER PARTICIPANTS: We encountered difficulties when receiving foreign payments. Please contact us by email and we will send you instructions for the payment.  


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