Nombre del autor:srgualpa

Rui Lan Jun

Secondary halo bias in line-intensity mapping Rui Lan Jun Line-intensity mapping (LIM) promises to map larger cosmic volumes more cheaply,


Lagrangian bias model for cosmic voids Agustín Rodríguez-Medrano Cosmic voids are among the large-scale structures that hold the most cosmological

Antonela Taverna

Walls in the Local Universe Maria Antonela Taverna One of the primary challenges in the study of large-scale structure is

Federico Bustillos

Towards a Standardized Methodology for Cosmic Void Analysis Jorge Federico Bustillos Rava PDF Cosmic voids are regions of the Universe

Laura Ceccarelli

Galaxy interactions in cosmic voids Laura Ceccarelli PDF Galaxies are known to evolve through a mixture of intrinsic processes, such

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